Incoming business calls,
answered by AI.

OrbitVoice uses the latest advancements in AI to handle your incoming business calls at an expert human level. Our AI assistants can perform a variety of human-like tasks, such as texting map directions, answering advanced questions about menus, assisting in making reservations, etc.

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Try now, speak to Eve

Click the mic icon below and speak to Eve, our AI assistant.

Our AI assistants support customers in various ways, such as texting map directions, answering advanced questions about menus, assisting in making reservations, etc.


AI Business Calls

We create AI voice assistants for businesses that handle incoming calls, 24/7. Calls are answered by an efficient & empathetic AI voice assistant, with all calls recorded, transcribed and analyzed inside the OrbitVoice Dashboard. Any interesting or noteworthy events are communicated to the business owner.
OrbitVoice uses the latest LLMs from OpenAI, Anthropic, Meta & more.

AI to upgrade
your business

Any business that receives inbound calls can benefit from their own AI voice assistant. OrbitVoice works with clients across a wide variety of industries, all embracing the latest AI developments to enhance their business. Our team will ensure that your AI model is tailored to your specific business and will constantly be improving.

Easy Setup

Quick setup. Keep your existing business phone number.

Quick sign up

Quick sign up

During the quick sign up process, we collect information about your business and begin preparing your AI model. Your data is safe and encrypted.

Custom AI model

Custom AI model

Your AI model is unique to your business and can be updated with new information regularly. Upload inventory, menus, etc to train your model.

Turn on AI & monitor

Turn on AI & monitor

Our team will assist with call handling on your existing line. Once live, all incoming calls are analyzed and can be viewed in the Dashboard.

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Benefits of OrbitVoice

Use AI to enhance your business and satisfy customers.

Custom AI Model

Custom AI Model

Using the latest in AI advancements

OrbitVoice ensures that your AI voice assistant is utilizing a model trained specifically for your business. This ensures that your voice assistant is an expert in your business. Your model can incorporate URL links, inventory, menus, locations and much more.
This information can also easily be sent by your AI assistant to the customer during a call (e.g. send a map link to your business location).
Dashboard & Contact Database

Dashboard & Contact Database

Insight into every call and contact

Every incoming call is recorded, transcribed, analyzed by AI and available to view in the OrbitVoice Dashboard. Inside the Dashboard, metrics on call activity are displayed as well as a database of all calls and contacts.
Each call is analyzed by AI and can be listened to or downloaded. Your incoming calls populate a database of contacts, which can be exported easily.
Revenue Generation & Cost Savings

Revenue Generation & Cost Savings

Boost revenue, reduce costs and satisfy customers

Our AI voice assistants handle your incoming calls 24/7, performing revenue-generating tasks during the call, such as reserving tables, texting a customer your location, ordering a product online etc.
Your AI voice assistant is an expert in your business, providing valuable information to your customer queries. Your AI voice assistant is also significantly cheaper than a human staff member.

Transparent Pricing

Monthly Fee



AI Call Fee


No setup fee. AI model updates & improvements to your
assistant are free.

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Andre Lindeque, manager at Mica Durnan NorthMica Durban North logo

Case Study - Mica

“We pride ourselves on offering world-class service. This often means that our staff are assisting customers in-store while the phone lines ring. Implementing OrbitVoice ensures that our customers receive expert service from the AI agent, transferring calls to staff if needed - removing the chance of missed calls.”